Global Investigative Services, Inc. Goes Green


A leading provider of employee background screening services, receives Montgomery County, Maryland Green Business Certification

Rockville, MD August 4, 2014 —

Global Investigative Services, Inc., a leader in employee background screening services, announced today that it earned a Montgomery County Green Business Certification.

The goal of the certification program is to help cultivate businesses in a progressively greener economy by encouraging innovation and environmental responsibility.

“Montgomery County’s Green Business Certification Program was designed to recognize local businesses that are putting forth extra effort in order to reduce their impact on our environment,” said Doug Weisburger, Manager for the Green Business Certification Program and Senior Planning Specialist for Sustainability Programs. “Global is a prime example of how a small-sized company can make a difference.” 

Global received the certification after incorporating several green practices in its day-to-day operations. “We have become more aware over the years how taking necessary steps to reduce our ecological footprint within our organization and transitioning to a sustainable future impacts our community as well as others outside the community,”  said Marc Linchuck, Executive Vice President at Global Investigative Services, Inc. “The simplest things that you may not think about contribute to protecting the environment such as; using recycled products, environmentally friendly cleaning solutions and taking advantage of ride-share programs. We will continue with our green initiative by incorporating new solutions within our background screening process.”

The program allows forward-thinking businesses that have championed sustainability in their daily operations to become examples of leadership in a nationwide environmental movement. The comprehensive application process, which included an extensive onsite inspection conducted by a trained sustainability expert, helps businesses transition to a sustainable future.

EEOC defeated after 6th Circuit Court of Appeals rejects method of credit report employment discrimination

A recent ruling by the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, dismissed claims that an employer did not violate Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act by using credit checks in their hiring practice.

The defendant in this case, Kaplan Higher Education, was accused by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) that Kaplan violated Title VII of the U.S. Civil Rights Act by  screening out more African-American applicants than white applicants, which led to a disparate impact.

Though arguments have been made that the use of credit reports, when used for employment screening purposes, can have an adverse impact on a protected class, the EEOC was unable to make an argument against Kaplan for this particular case.

To read articles related to this story please see the links below:

Changes to New York OCA Criminal History Report

The New York Office of Court Administration (OCA) recently posted the following information on its website:

“Please be advised that effective April 1, 2014, OCA will no longer report a criminal history for any individual whose only conviction was a single misdemeanor more then ten years prior to the date of the request.”

EEOC and FTC Issue Tips for Employment Background Checks

For the first time the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) have partnered together to co-publish documents on employment background checks, explaining the rights and responsibilities for the employer and the job applicant.

The two documents are available on the EEOC’s website: Background Checks: What Employers Need to Know ( and Background checks: What Job Applicants and Employee Should Know (

“The No. 1 goal here is to ensure that people on both sides of the desk understand their rights and responsibilities,” Peggy Mastroianni, EEOC Legal Counsel  stated in a press release  titled EEOC and FTC Offer Joint Tips on Use of Employment Background Checks.

Minnesota Expands “Ban the Box” to Private Employers

Governor Mark Dayton signed a bill expanding the “Ban the Box” law to private employers that will go into effect beginning Jan. 1, 2014. “Ban the Box” has applied to public employers in Minnesota since 2009. The law requires public, and now private, employers to wait until a job applicant has been selected for an interview or a conditional offer of employment has been extended before asking a job applicant about criminal records or conducting a criminal record check. This law offers the vast majority of individuals with a non-violent criminal record a second chance at an opportunity for employment to better their lives.

Existing laws will continue to protect vulnerable adults and children from people with violent or sexual criminal histories. Additionally, employers may exclude applicants if a crime is relevant to the position’s job duties.

The new law outlines potential penalties for employers found in violation of the law. If the Human Rights commissioner finds that a violation has occurred, the commissioner may impose penalties.