Criminal & Civil Background Checks

Avoid Bad Hires

Our comprehensive criminal & civil background checks helps you to avoid bad hires by equipping you with information on criminal history, wants & warrants, sex offender registries, civil suits & judgments, federal civil claims, workers’ compensation claims, bankruptcies, healthcare compliance, as well as terrorism watch lists.

Countywide Criminal Search

This is a comprehensive search of seven or 10 years of criminal histories retrieved directly from the source. When more than one misdemeanor court exists in one jurisdiction, multiple locations are visited to conduct expanded misdemeanor research. Contents vary by jurisdiction, but typically contain information about felony convictions and misdemeanors not reported at the federal level.

Average Turnaround Time: 1-3 Business Days

Statewide Criminal Search

A statewide criminal records search is generally conducted through a central repository that includes information from the state’s participating jurisdictions. A state’s central repository primarily houses information provided by county courts and law enforcement. The quality and completeness of the statewide criminal records data relies entirely on what information is reported, how it is reported, and when it is reported by the local authority. County-level searches are also recommended in combination with the statewide search in order to compensate for any missing information.

Average Turnaround Time: 1-3 Business Days

Federal Criminal Search

Search for cases by the U.S. government against job candidates who have allegedly broken federal criminal laws. Federal crimes can include mail fraud, interstate drug trafficking, civil rights violations, and crimes committed on federal property. This search is recommended in conjunction with a countywide or statewide (if available) search.

Average Turnaround Time: 1-3 Business Days

National Criminal Database Search

A multi-jurisdictional search of state and county criminal records from all 50 states and the District of Columbia. This search includes felony and misdemeanor records, sex offender registries, inmate or Department of Corrections records and arrest information. There are over 260 million records in this database.

Continuous Criminal Monitoring

Proactively identify risk post-hire and reduce your organizations exposure to liability. Leveraging the National Criminal Database Search, manage enrolled employees on an ongoing basis, alerting you to new criminal information as well as changes to existing records.

National Wants and Warrants Search

This search is a nationwide report which determines if the applicant has any outstanding and extraditable arrest wants and/or warrants that have been registered with National Crime Information Center (NCIC).

Average Turnaround Time: 1-3 Business Days

National Sex Offender Registry

Search state repositories for known sexual offenders. This is a critical service for all employees who work with children. Rules and regulations regarding the dissemination of this data and privacy vary from state to state.

Countrywide Civil Search

Search a seven or 10 year history of civil actions that will identify the actions, names of plaintiffs and defendants, and the outcome when available. This search also is available at the federal level.

Average Turnaround Time: 1-3 Business Days

Federal Civil Records Search

Search District level civil cases filed in the United States District Court, which include records that involve alleged violations of federal statutory or constitutional rights. These cases are brought by individuals, businesses or governmental entities; they may seek monetary damages, request injunctions to stop allegedly illegal behavior or monetarily pursue other remedies provided by law. Cases may deal with interstate commerce, anti-trust activity and violations of federal codes.

Average Turnaround Time: 1-3 Business Days

Bankruptcy Search

This search allows you to identify bankruptcy information that has been filed in the United States District Court and will give you insight into a candidate’s financial accountability and track record.

Average Turnaround Time: 1-3 Business Days

Workers' Compensation Claims History

Search workers’ compensation claim records to ferret out the job applicants who have a history of filing worker’s compensation claims. The Workers’ Compensation Claim Records Report provides the claims history of applicants including the injury date(s), the date(s) the claims were filed, the case numbers, employer name, settlement date and type of accident. In some states, additional claim information may be available. A review of workers’ compensation histories may be conducted only after a conditional offer of employment has been made. If you are using these searches, you must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Global Watch List (Complies with US Patriot Act)

This search will help ensure that you don’t enter into transactions with a person or organization involved in terrorism, international narcotics trafficking, or activities related to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The Global Watch List is designed to provide the most in depth and detailed security searches available which includes the following list of U.S. and foreign sanctions and watch lists. Complies with U.S. Patriot Act. (Lists notated with an asterisk (*) indicate a geographic-based sanctions list.)

  • OFAC Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) & Blocked Persons
  • Non-Cooperative Countries and Territories
  • Department of State Trade Control (DTC) Debarred Parties
  • U.S. Bureau of Industry & Security (formerly BXA) – Unverified Entities List, Denied Entities List, Denied Persons List
  • FBI Most Wanted Terrorists & Seeking Information
  • INTERPOL Most Wanted List
  • Bank of England sanctions List
  • OSFI – Canadian Sanctions List
  • United Nations Consolidated Sanctions List
  • Politically Exposed Persons List
  • European Union Terrorism List
  • World Bank Ineligible Firms

and many more…

Healthcare Compliance Search

This search meets the federal government’s requirements as outlined in the OIG’s Compliance Program Guidance and includes: OIG, GSA, DEA, FDA, PHS, ORI, TRICARE, Medicare Opt-Out, State Medicaid sanctions, 42 HEAT sources and 51 AG Notice and Release sources, state level procurement/contractor debarment sources as well as all 56 U.S. jurisdictions across all provider types.

By using this search, it protects your organization from the potential negative ramifications of employing individuals or vendors who are sanctioned by a state level licensing board.  It’s ideal for Doctors, Nurses, Trained Medical Staff, and Students in clinical placement.

Nationwide Eviction Report

This database search is used for tenant screening to determine if the applicant has any evictions records.

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