Maintain a Properly Vetted Workforce with Our Background Check Cleared Program
Have you ever thought about the best way to communicate to consumers or clients that your company workforce has gone through a thorough background check?

Gain Trust and Exhibit Transparency
Global Investigative Services has designed a unique background screening program. Our program assists businesses exhibit complete trust and transparency within their organization and throughout all industries.
Participating in Global’s proprietary Background Check Cleared Program, allows organizations to maintain a properly vetted workforce. Your business will exhibit complete trust and transparency. This effectively increases your competitive edge, attracting other businesses that value your due diligence in maintaining a fully vetted workforce.
Displaying the badge on your website, marketing materials, or business cards shows your organization can be trusted. Placing the badge in any location communicates your commitment to reliability and reinforces trust with your audience.
The Following Comprehensive Searches Allow You to Maintain a Fully Vetted Workforce
Social Security Verification
Address History Trace
County Criminal History Check
Federal Criminal History Check

National Criminal History Check
National Sex Offender Search
Global Watch List
*Monthly Criminal Monitoring
Background Check Cleared Program in Action
Working with some of the most precious things anyone can have, namely one's memories in the form of treasured and irreplaceable artifacts, requires a significant amount of trust. Displaying my Global Background Check Clearance Badge shows potential clients that not only can I be trusted, but that I am willing to go the extra mile to deliver peace of mind.
T. Blanchette
Time Sorters, LLC
The Background Check Cleared badge has been a real comfort to prospective clients who are nervous about "letting their jewelry out of their sight". As a 40+ year veteran in the jewelry industry, my reputation is priceless. This program removes all their fears and gives them peace of mind!
Jewelry Appraisers
I am happy with the Global Background Check Badge used on my website. We all know how much fear there is among the general public when it comes to who to trust in doing work on jewelry. This background check and the symbol provide that tiny bit of added comfort and security to those who are at the tipping point of trusting us or going to someone else. Only a couple of folks have told me they saw the symbol, but I feel certain many others saw it and quietly took it into account before choosing my services. Our businesses need to compete for clients. This is a silent, and 24/7 effective tool that can only benefit our efforts.
D. Atlas
We not only invest in this program ourselves but frequently recommend this program to our clients. During our workplace violence threat assessment efforts, we've noticed that many companies conduct initial due diligence checks but neglect to monitor for any subsequent changes. When concerns of targeted violence arise, we often intervene, only to discover significant changes in an employee's criminal history since the initial investigation during onboarding.
We have participated in the Global Investigative Services’ Background Check Cleared program for the last three years. Since we manage confidential financial information for our clients, we love being able to tell potential clients that we do thorough background checks and have constant criminal background monitoring. We know that people’s lives change and that is why every month, we make sure that the backgrounds of all of our staff members continue to be clear. It helps put potential clients’ minds at ease and helps us to close more sales.
Leah Nichaman
Everyday Money Management
Get My Badge
To learn more about the benefits of participating in the Background Check Cleared Program, contact a Global Representative either by giving us a call at 800.589.6595 or emailing us at
If you are ready to participate in the Background Check Cleared Program fill out the form below and a Global Representative will contact you shortly.
*Criminal Monitoring is not included for organizations with No Employee.
The Background Check Cleared Program is currently available only for U.S. based employees.
The Background Check Cleared Program logo is a registered trademark or trademark of Global Investigative Services, Inc. in the United States and /or other countries.
Some of the Organizations Participating in the Background Check Cleared Program
Global Investigative Services, Inc. Background Check Cleared Program participants are business entities independent from Global Investigative Services, Inc. Neither Global Investigative Services, Inc. nor its affiliated companies warrant the Background Check Cleared participating companies, their products, or their services.